Our Holler Heroes


Before our Holler Inspirer goes into a school, we ask for them to nominate a young person who has inspired their peers/staff and has gone above and beyond what is expected. We are rewarding the effort and progress or a particular act of kindness or bravery for example, not necessarily an achievement. The student is called out in front of their peers and receives a Holler trophy from the inspirer.


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We would like to nominate Taylan Gucbas for his kindness and patience in interpreting for a new friend. Teachers have commented on how supportive he has been to his form.

He has watched out for others when they have needed some extra support and we are so proud of the way that he has displayed Chace values.


Mohammad Ghulam Farouq

In school, he is a model student. He has 100% attendance and has already achieved 61 LEAD points for showing Love, endeavour, act and Dream in daily school life.

Mohammad is regularly mentioned by his teachers for positively contributing to lessons and being polite and courteous to all and he received excellent effort grades in all subjects in assessment point 1.

Mohammad is a supportive and kind peer to others in his year group and regularly assists other students in lessons when they are struggling with their classwork.

Mohammad also makes a positive contribution to his community by volunteering at his local mosque to help teach young children to read the Quran.

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Harry Cowell

This student is a fantastic role model to the rest of his class mates and students both younger and older.

Since starting Edmonton County School this student has shown exemplary attitude towards his learning even in adverse situations. This student has had excellent lesson scores in year 9 showing a real positive attitude towards his progress and learning.

This student has also achieved 100% attendance since September showing a real commitment to his learning. This student is an example of someone who consistently does the right thing and as a result is making positive steps towards being successful in the future.